Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Special Beginnings

Aidan was born at Special Beginnings. We went there today for my six week postpartum check up. Everything is good for me and Aidan enjoyed seeing his favorite midwife Rachel- the midwife who delivered him.

A couple thoughts and thanks on my birthing experience:

I can't begin to describe how great my experience delivering at Special Beginnings was. They took the time to answer my questions at my appointments, answered my many questions at all hours of the day when I called there answering service. Many people have thought it was crazy for me to go home four hours after having Aidan but I think the amount of support the midwives gave me over the two weeks after Aidan was born was more support than I would have received in three days at a hospital.

A special thanks to Vicki and Gina- without them Aidan would not be a breastfed baby. Also, thank you Allie for alerting us to Aidan having jaundice and being an awesome nurse.

Last but not least, I had an awesome doula, Shannon Robinson. You would not believe what a difference having a doula during labor makes. I wouldn't do it any other way and hope she is still around when Derek and I are ready for another baby.

I think natural childbirth is the way to go because the recovery time was very fast and at Special Beginnings I was able to make choices that would not have been an option at a hospital. I did not have to have an IV and I could eat and drink as I pleased. Having Shannon there helped keep me calm and she guided me through various positions to help progress my labor. Can't beat six hours of labor time at the birthing center and only thirty minutes of pushing. I was one of the few women in my pregnancy forum that actually experienced the birth they had planned in their birthing plans.

So for any pregnant women, check out:

Hopefully I won't get into trouble for posting there websites.

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